School of Media and Communication Design

Lamhe Pre Event- Media Fest Puppet Show

    Monday, 11th November 2019

    Lamhe Pre Event- Media Fest Puppet Show

    A fun-filled and entertaining puppet show was showcased by the School of Mass Communication as part of the ongoing promotions for the 2019 National Media Fest. Dressed as human puppets, students enacted the importance of media in our society and how it is undergoing transformation everyday. The audience was urged to participate actively in the Media Fest and also informed about various upcoming competitions at the event.

    The puppetry performance was followed with a musical performance by the talented students of SOMC. A short dance performance by the girls of the department got everyone grooving to the music. Hosts Anushika and Pratyush then concluded the event with an 'Act the Brand' competition where participants randomly chosen from the crowd created and enacted an ad on a given product, on the spot. Students from all departments of IUU participated with enthusiasm. It was an enthralling experience for everyone.