The seminar addressed the widely spread yet somewhat unacknowledged phenomenon of victim blaming in the society, and how this conduct affects the decision of reporting the crime by the victim, specially in cases of sexual harassment. The presenter focused on the various theories which explain the socio-psychological construct of the society, which leads the bystanders and the society to blame the victim for the crime. By doing this, the victim is subjected to second degree victimization at the hands of the society which creates a deterrent effect when it comes to reporting the crime to the authorities. Avoidance of Responsibility to protect the victim, and the need to assume oneself (society members) not vulnerable to the crime, causes the society to mechanically distance itself from the victim. The two factors of ‘Sexism’ and the ‘Just world theory’ makes it easier to understand two of the most prominent factors which lead the society to victimize the victim by putting the blame on them.
The speaker also addressed the biggest concern of non-reporting of sexual harassment incidents. This is the biggest hurdle in efficient amelioration of the said crime. Failure to perceive, label and report the crime due to victim’s lack of awareness and the fear of facing public scrutiny, accounts for the low reporting of sexual harassment incidents. Results of various studies and surveys discussed in the presentation showed that the victims decided not to report the incidents for the fear of being tagged as characterless and less trustworthy. Further the recommendations for restructuring the school curriculum to address the issue and organizing of events to raise awareness amongst the public were discussed. Finally, it was suggested that, a special legislation drafted solely to address the issue of sexual harassment; online and otherwise, with various acts of harassment distinguished and termed properly, is the need of the hour.