On January 19, 2019 the students of School of Mass Communication (SOMC) attended the seminar on ‘Filmmaking’ held at Soochna Bhavan, Dehradun. The seminar was conducted by Bhupendra Kainthola, Director, Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune and other officials from the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI), Kolkata. Sudarshan Juyal a renowned cinematographer from Bombay was also present. During the seminar students were briefed about directing short films, documentaries and feature films. The experts also briefed the students about how one can choose the right career path. They shared their real life experiences with the students which helped them to understand working of the film industry. The students enthusiastically participated in learning new knowledge and gaining experience from industry experts. The day ended with an interactive session where the students raised queries and cleared their doubts. The interaction was an enriching experience for all the students of SOMC who are looking forward to pursue a career in filmmaking.