IMS Unison University (IUU) has signed MOUs with the following prestigious International Universities for facilitating an international exposure of its faculty as well as students:
Birmingham Law School has been challenging and developing great minds for more than a century. Characterized by a tradition of innovation and research it has broken new grounds, pushed forward the boundaries of knowledge and made an impact on students’ lives. Over the years Birmingham Law School has made a major contribution to teaching and research. Its academic staff members are today amongst UK’s most eminent legal scholars and are regular contributors to the scholarly literature on the law. IMS Unison University‘s association with Birmingham Law school will facilitate academic research, student & faculty exchange and other collaborative programs between the two institutions.
Kansas State University (KSU), Manhattan, USA: KSU is rated as one of the best Universities of USA and has been continuously accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association (NCA) of Colleges and Schools since 1916. IUU’s partnership agreement with KSU covers Faculty exchange program of mutual interest, invitation to scholars for participating in Conferences/Seminars/Symposia, and exchange of academic material and publications. It will help the faculty and students to exchange their knowledge, skills, research outcomes and experience.
University of Salford, Manchester, UK: University of Salford is rated amongst leading Universities of UK. It has standing of more than 100 years. Its Management School has been awarded EPAS accreditation instituted by European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) for its International Business Program. The partnership agreement between IUU and University of Salford aims at undertaking joint research activities and exchange of students and faculty members. This will help in exploring the new avenues and innovations in teaching-learning process and exchange of knowledge, skills, research outcomes and experiences.